Lend a Helping Hand to those Around You

If you’ve been keeping up with what’s going on around the globe, you’re aware of the fact that there’s a war raging on leaving hundreds of thousands homeless, desperate and willing to do whatever it takes to escape their war stricken countries.

A photo of a young child washed up along the shore of a Turkish beach left the world weeping for those refugees who lost their lives trying to make it to a safe haven where they could live without fear. A safe haven they wouldn’t reach in the end.

This sparked an outrage around the globe. Many people began urging their countries to take in refugees, to do more for those who live in those war stricken countries. People were left wanting to make a difference in the lives of those who are innocent bystanders who don’t deserve what life has thrown their way.

As we should, many have taken steps towards making a difference. No matter the size. If one life is impacted in a positive way, that is all that matters.

But I have a question. One that may spark rage within you. One that may be too blunt for some of you.

My question is why are you so willing to help those who live across the globe from you, those individuals whom you’ve never met, spoken to or even thought of until a couple weeks ago, but you aren’t willing to help those around you in your own community?

We have individuals in our community that need help in their day to day lives and we don’t even bat an eye at them. We have homeless people on almost every city corner and we walk past them as if they aren’t even there. We have children who spend year after year in foster care because so many want to adopt a child outside of the U.S. We have war veterans who are coming home from busting their asses to fight for the freedom that we all take for granted 99% of the time and yet we do little to help them get the care they need.

We have so many people in our own country who need help desperately and yet we brush them aside as if they’re not important enough for our time, love or care.

How are so many willing to help those across the globe but can’t be caught lending a helping hand in the communities around us?

Now don’t get me wrong, I do believe we should spread our love and care around to those countries in need, but we have to be willing to do the same for our own country. At the end of the day, we have our own problems that we need to attend to so that we can be that great country that every other country can lean on.

I’m not saying don’t lend a helping hand to other countries because they need us. They need us badly. All I’m saying is as you go throughout your day, lend a helping hand to someone around you in your community. For they need you as well!

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