Monthly Archives: July 2014


Alcohol is a fabulous creation that I thank God for on an every so often basis. Alcohol can also be a horrible creation that I curse the devil for. More often than I would like to admit, I’m usually cursing the devil for alcohol rather than thanking God for it.
Don’t get me wrong, most nights out are extremely fun and I wouldn’t turn back the clock and do anything differently. I can suffer through my hangovers because in the end, they were worth every shot and mixed drink that was gulped down. But every so often, you have that one night that just makes you consider not drinking ever again. That one night creeps up on you and before you know it, your whole night has been turned upside down.
People act like complete idiots when they’ve consumed alcoholic beverages. I’m not exempting myself from this group of people. We can all look back on our nights out with the crew and remember making a complete ass out of ourselves. I’ve done it several times. Am I proud of it? No, but what is done is done. Alcohol makes people do and say things that they wouldn’t normally do or say sober.
I know for me, depending on my mood, I can be the happiest drunk or the bitchiest drunk. Now my mood while drinking depends on who I’m with and if someone irritates me. I’ve come to find that if I don’t know exactly what is going on around me, the bitch monster makes her appearance. Those would be the nights that I’ve had too much to drink. On nights where I’m in control of my drinking and I’m pacing myself, I’m the happiest drunk on the planet. It’s rather fabulous!
Unfortunately, a month and a half ago, I was visiting my lovely best friend. We decided to invite people over and what started off as a lovely night full of drinking and cards, ended with a huge argument that left two individuals on bad terms. To this day, these two individuals are still on bad terms.
I’m not going to go into detail about what happened because it really doesn’t matter what happened. It wasn’t anything major and honestly, it shouldn’t have been made into the big deal that it was made into.
My opinion on this situation is that they both should have been able to resolve the issue after they had both sobered up and had time to think about what happened. Drinking was involved and people act like complete messes when they’ve consumed alcohol. I’m not using alcohol as an excuse because you should be responsible enough to realize how much you can take as an individual before you lose control. Alcohol should never be used as an excuse for your actions. But I also believe that people can have two different personalities when it comes to being sober and drunk. Alcohol messes with your body and who you are drunk doesn’t necessarily mean that is who you are when you’re sober.
The sad part about this situation is that these people had just met when this mess happened. Some would say that it was a poor decision on their part to meet for the first time when alcohol was involved but neither of them could predict that their night would end the way it did. I personally believe that a second chance should be given to both people involved. Yes, things got out of hand and the night spiraled downhill quickly and the situation wasn’t handled in a mature fashion, but they both deserve to redeem theirselves.
One individual acted like a bitch while the other acted like an asshole.
They both need to do some forgiving as each has made mistakes that have made this situation what it is today. Neither one can say they didn’t do anything wrong as they both said and did things that just added to the fire.
Personally, it really irritates me when people don’t give second chances. I’m not one to forgive and forget within seconds of something happening. It may take me a couple days, weeks or even longer to get over whatever it is that I’m upset about, but when it’s all said and done, I eventually give everyone a second chance. It may be on my timing but you get a second chance. I am a firm believer that everyone should be given a second chance. Especially when alcohol is involved because people do the darnest things while intoxicated. Trust me, been there, done that!
At the end of the day, if these two individuals don’t decide to work things out and give each other the second chance they each deserve, it’ll be one of their losses more so than the others. I know the one who acted like a complete bitch that night wants a second chance and is more than apologetic for what happened. That just shows who the bigger person is and if the one who acted like an asshole isn’t willing to give that person another chance, that’s his loss. Maybe one of them has more growing up to do than the other and that could take years. I’ve been told guys mature slower than girls so in this case, it could be several years before they’re on the same level. But if you can’t take time out of your busy life to give someone else a second chance that they deserve then that just shows how little of an individual you really are and for that, that person doesn’t need you in their life because they deserve better.
If I may say so, this situation is beyond ridiculous. Someone needs to get their head out of their ass and get over their self. Obviously, I’m team Bitch. This is just ridiculous! It’s ridiculousness at its finest, forsho.


I apologize for not writing sooner. I’ve been playing mommy to a two week old kitten lately and it’s taken up a lot of time and energy. With that being said, I’m one exhausted girl! Chancer doesn’t allow me to sleep throughout the night as he is a very loud kitten when he’s hungry. By loud, I mean demanding. Extremely demanding! He doesn’t shut up until you feed him so as exhausted as I am late at night; I get up and feed that sweet bossy little boy.
Now that we have that all cleared up, I’ve been extremely moody and grumpy the past week and a half. I am not the person to be around when I’m sleep deprived. I don’t deal with stupidity well when I’m caught up on sleep so you can only imagine how well I deal with stupidity when I’ve lost a couple hours of sleep here and there throughout the night for several nights in a row.
It really doesn’t help that every time I wake up, Sadie Mae wakes up. Sadie Mae is a light sleeper. If Momma is up, she’s up. And when she gets up during the night, it’s playtime for baby girl. So not only do I have a screaming little boy who won’t stop until his belly is full, I now have a rambunctious baby girl who is wide awake and ready to tear the house apart.
I can’t really complain though. I’m not a fan of these sleepless nights by any means, but I’d rather wake up to feed this baby boy every night and miss out on a couple hours of sleep than for the alternative.
Chancer was found in my coworker’s backyard shortly after he was born. His mother had abandoned him and he was all by his little lonesome self. Being the animal lover that I am, I couldn’t just leave him there to defend for himself. We all know that would have ended with him living a very short life. I couldn’t stand the thought of him not getting a chance at living life so I decided I’d take him home with me and take care of him as best as I could.
Obviously, he’s named Chancer because he was given a second chance at life. I’ve always been a fan of the name Chance and I decided that it suited him well. He’s such a precious kitten and I’m so thankful that he’s doing as well as he is. A lot of people said that he most likely wouldn’t make it because he was so young but he’s been a trooper so far.
I realize that this world already has a butt load of animals that no one wants to be responsible for. If I could, I would take in every animal that I saw needed loving and caring for. Unfortunately, I can’t do that. As an animal lover, it hurts my heart when animals are neglected, mistreated, abused and just plain treated like they aren’t a living creature that has feelings too. It’s ridiculous how people who shouldn’t get animals get them and then treat them like crap. If you aren’t going to take care of them, don’t even consider getting one.
As for Chancer, he’ll always have a home with me as long as he lives. He’s already won my heart over and I couldn’t imagine giving him up to another family. He’s already a part of my little family and Sadie Mae just absolutely adores having a little brother that she can torment. I’m not entirely sure she fully understands what he is at the moment but she loves being around him as much as I allow her to be.
If you have a pet, make sure to love on them every chance they get! They deserve love just as much as we do!

Bathtime Entertainment

I absolutely love taking baths. It’s one of those stress relieving and relaxing activities that I could partake in every day if I had enough time to. Tonight I decided I wanted to take a bath. For some reason, it was a bath mood kind of evening.
Sadie Mae was in the house after coming in from playing outside so I brought her in the bathroom with me. Who knows what she would do if she was let free to roam the house by herself. I’m sure a mess would have been waiting for me. Sads hates bathtime. She will fight you when it comes to her having a bath so I figured she would sleep on the bathroom mat.
What she did next had me laughing and frantically trying to find my phone to video record her. Unfortunately, I was too late on reaching my phone.
I had just gotten into the bath tub and I was settling down when Sadie Mae came over to the side of the tub. As unexpected as it was, Sadie Mae jumped into the bathtub and started running from one end to the next. What sent me in a frantic trying to grab my phone was when Sadie Mae started splashing around at one end of the tub. Water went EVERYWHERE!
After Sads was finished with her splashing fun, she jumped out of the tub. I thought she was finished with it all together but I guess she just needed a break because the next thing I know, she’s back in the tub splashing again.
I couldn’t believe my eyes! She never acts like that when it’s her bathtime. She’s usually trying to run as far away from the tub as possible. I died laughing! She is such a fun loving puppy. It’s adorable and entertaining to watch her and some of the stuff she does. Tonight was one of those times.
I suppose a mess was in order whether she was in the bathroom or left to roam around the house by herself. There was water all over the bathroom floor by the time I called it quits with bathtime. You can only take so much splashing at one time.
Seriously, I have the most adorable puppy in the world! Who else can say their puppy was splashing in the bath tub with them?

After all this time, your words still hurt.

It’s a beautiful part of life falling in love and giving your heart to someone else, but it’s the darkest part in life when you fall out of love with that person and try to put your shattered heart back together. It’s as if you’re not even fully there in person. Your body may be going through the motions of everyday life but mentally and emotionally, you are thousands of miles away.
Fortunately, after the initial break up, you begin to pick up those pieces and you move on with your life. You eventually begin to forget about that person, about how they used to be a part of your everyday life, and you heal your broken heart and move on.
A little over five months ago, I went through an awful break up. It was the darkest time in my life. It took a little time for me to realize that I deserved better, that I deserved to be completely happy and that HE wasn’t good for me. So I moved on with my life. I surrounded myself with family and friends, started enjoying life again and found the light at the end of the tunnel.
I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been since I found the strength to pick myself back up and carry on with my life. With that being said, that doesn’t mean that things don’t irritate me or hurt my feelings when it pertains to my ex boyfriend.
The other night, the good ole Fourth of July, my ex boyfriend decided to send me a snapchat. Now I can only assume that he was drunk but that’s no excuse for the rude remark that he sent with his picture. As simple and as stupid as the remark was, it really cut deep.
It opened up a wound that I thought healed. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to cry a bucket full of tears or if I wanted to scream my lungs out. I was livid and hurt at the same time. It’s crazy how his words can still hurt after all this time. Two little words brought back a lot of anger and hurt that I had pushed aside and nearly forgotten about. Two words. It’s crazy how much damage two words can do to a person.
It’s been a few days and that short conversation we had through texting afterwards still plays in my head as if it’s on repeat. What started off with him being mean ended with him giving me a compliment and we ended the night on that note. Even though he gave me a compliment, I was so angry with him that I didn’t take it as a compliment. It’s completely unfair to use words to hurt people and then to do damage control.
I’m not sure if his little rude remark was supposed to remind me that he still existed and that he still played a role in my life, but it didn’t work. I realize he’s still taking up space somewhere on God’s beautiful earth, but as long as that space is nowhere near me, I’m perfectly content. His snapchat the other night just reminded me why I broke up with him, why I stopped loving him, and why I’m happier without him in my life. Thanks to that snapchat, it may have left a bruise on my heart, but it also made me more determined. I know I deserve better than what I had when I was with him and one day when I’m ready for another relationship, I will have better.
I’m not entirely sure what his intentions were the other night. Was it to hurt me? Was it to remind me that he still existed? Was it to make me feel bad about myself? Was it to make me miss him? No matter what his intentions were the other night, he didn’t take my happiness away or have me wishing for the life I had with him back. In the end, he made me realize just how far I’ve come in the past five months and how much stronger I am as an individual now than I was then.
His words still hurt and I’m sure this isn’t the last time I’ll hear from him, but pain is temporary and strength lasts forever.

Life is taken so quickly

I arrived at work this morning and started off my morning chats with my coworker just like every other morning. On Mondays, it’s normally a little different because we’re catching up on an entire weekend and not just the few hours we’ve been apart since work the day before. This morning she asked if I had watched the news over the weekend. I must admit, I went to school to be a journalist, but I’m absolutely terrible at watching the news. So, obviously my answer was no.
She went on to update me on an one vehicle accident that left two dead and two injured. I didn’t know any of them personally so that’s not what hit home the hardest. It was the fact that these four are around my age. The oldest was 23 while the youngest was 20. I believe the 22 and 23 year old were the two killed after being ejected from the vehicle.
I’m sitting here just thinking about how much life I still have ahead of me. I’m 22 and I couldn’t imagine not waking up tomorrow morning to a new beginning and to a new adventure. It’s not like those two young men woke up that morning and knew that it would be their last day on earth. It’s not like they told theirselves that today was the day they would leave all their loved ones behind. It happened in a blink of an eye. You don’t get a warning or a sign. It just happens.
From what I read about these two young men, I can only assume that they had big things happening for them now and in the future. They had so much to live for and so much going for them. It’s devastating to know that they had so much life left in them.
My heart goes out to these two families and to all the lives that they touched while they were here on earth. Losing a family member or a friend is one of the hardest things you’ll ever experience in life; especially when the ones that have passed are young adults who still had their entire lives ahead of them. I pray that their families and friends will find comfort in knowing that they are at peace and that they will eventually get to see them again one day. I pray that they will feel God’s love wrap around them during this trying time. I pray that their families and friends will find strength and comfort through each other and that they will heal together.
More importantly, I pray that they will remember these two young men for who they were before the accident. The driver was one of the individuals who were killed. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but the police believe alcohol was a leading factor in this one vehicle crash. With that being said, if the driver had been driving under the influence, I pray that people will remember him for who he was and not for the decision he made that fateful night. I pray that these guys are remembered for their talents in baseball and football. I pray these guys are remembered for their smiles that could light up an entire room. I pray these guys are remembered for all the good they did for others; for the good times that people spent with them and for the great individuals that they were. They deserve to be remembered for who they were. Their memory shouldn’t be based upon a moment in time when they lacked better judgment. This one moment in their lives should not define them. The millions of good memories that so many hold dear of these two young men should be what define them as individuals.
Honestly, I can’t even begin to say that I understand what these families are feeling right now. I can imagine how they’re feeling but imagining and actually experiencing those feelings are two totally different things. I know people say that time heals all things and to a certain extent, it does. I just pray that within time, these two families will find comfort, peace, an understanding that will be good enough for them, and the ability to wake up every day with a smile instead of the pain that consumes their every waking minute at this moment in time. It’ll take some time but I pray that these families find the strength to move on one day at a time.
For the two other individuals who were injured in the accident, I pray for a speedy recovery! I pray that they have the strength to move forward with their lives. They may be wondering why they made it through that accident while they lost two of their friends. I pray that these two individuals find comfort and love from the people who surround them during this time. I pray these two individuals let this situation make them stronger individuals and that they’ll use this tragedy as a life lesson. They can’t bring their two friends back, but they can help carry on their legacies.
As a young adult myself, there are times in my life when I make decisions telling myself “Oh, that won’t happen to me. That only happens to other people.” We as young adults think that we’re invincible. We always believe that things won’t happen to us. Unfortunately, it’s when we carry ourselves with that type of attitude that tragedy strikes.
Please take into consideration that anything and everything can happen to you. No one is promised a life of ease; a life without tragedy. Horrible situations happen to others all the time, but it could happen to you and your family just as easily as it happened to someone else’s family. No one is ever exempt from life’s harsh curve balls.
Please pray for these families and friends who lost two loved ones early Sunday morning! May they be surrounded by love and comfort through this trying time.