Tag Archives: Cow Tipping

Good Ole Southern Comfort

I recently started watching Hart Of Dixie on Netflix and it is simply wonderful. I am loving every second of the show. 

If you haven’t given this show a chance, I highly suggest you should. I was wishy washy at first as I would see it advertised but would choose another show or movie instead but I finally caved in and after the first episode, I was hooked. 

Now it’s about a young doctor who moves from New York City to a small town in Alabama. If you can imagine how out of place one would feel after making that drastic move, you are on the same page as how Zoe Hart feels. 

I haven’t even made it through season one yet and this show has inspired me to find a small town in the middle of nowhere in a southern state and live there for a year or two. 

Wouldn’t that just be nice? 

I can’t imagine anything better right at this second. 

To live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and where southern hospitality is the norm. Where people look out for their neighbors and have fish frys on a Saturday evening. Mind you, I’m not a fan of eating anything that comes out of the water but I could settle for some southern cooking.

To have community get togethers and town functions would be a nice change of pace. I come from a town that isn’t large but it’s not at all small either. You could meet someone new here for the rest of your life and you’d still only know maybe 30% of the population. 

Not to mention, to raise children in an environment that is safe and that rarely faces any danger is such a bonus. When do you hear of small town’s in the south causing ruckus other than when rowdy teenagers go cow tipping? And you rarely hear about that! 

I’ve always dreamed of being a stay at home mother raising my children in a safe community. A beautiful house with a picket white fence and a large green yard for my children to roam and play in. Raising my children amongst family friends who have youngsters as well. What a lovely and wonderful life that would be! 


I suppose it’s a bit adventurous for me because I’d be the stranger in a town full of people who have grown up with each other throughout the years. Everyone knows I like to know people wherever I go or the shy card automatically comes out to play, but I feel like it’d be a nice change for myself. Meeting new people would be delightful. 

Another perk about moving to a small town in the south is that people are proud of where they come from in these towns. To celebrate their roots and to become a part of a town like such would be a different change for me in a good way. No one ever said they were proud of being from Conyers, GA. For crying out loud, we’re still associated with the Lost Children of Rockdale and that happened years and years ago. 

Although moving to a small town in a southern state won’t happen in the next few months to come and probably not in the next couple years but it will happen.

Until then, I will visit these small towns and take in all that they have to offer from their good southern hospitality to their sense of community. And then one day, perhaps I’ll be able to belong to one of these small towns.