Tag Archives: hound dog

It’s happened! It’s really happened!

Guys, I’ve become that crazy dog lady! You know, the one who feels their dog is more important than the air you breathe. Yeah, I’m that girl.

I can honestly say besides buying food for myself, I spend more money on things for Sadie than I do on myself. 

It’s quite ridiculous!

Everyone knows I can’t go into petsmart unless I truly have to because I’ll come out with five more items that I didn’t necessarily need. Not at that moment in time. Not ever!

I walked into petsmart last weekend and saw the cutest, I mean cutest collar you’ve ever seen. 

Now by no means did Sadie need a new collar but just look at that bow! It’s adorable! So as you’ve seen in the photo above, I bought it for Sadie Mae.

But the story doesn’t end there. As you can imagine with me being a tad bit OCD, Sadie’s new collar did not match her almost neon but not totally pink harness. Her harness matched her old collar and leash so that presented a new problem for me.

Matching is EVERYTHING! Especially when I take Sadie Mae out in public for social events, matching is a must. 

So after a day of fighting myself about switching collars when I take her out in public, I decided just to buy her a matching harness. And I defend my decision with the simple fact that her new collar is super duper adorable and she looks fabulous in it. Not to mention, her old one is plain and nothing to write home about.

Oh, and I bought her a new tag so she can have one tag on her new collar and one on her almost neon but not totally pink collar.

That’s beyond ridiculous!

Even I think that’s crazy dog lady status right there! 

To make things crazier, Sadie has three collars, three harnesses and four leashes. 

Why does one need all of those you may ask?

The answer is fairly simple.

Her human mommy is quite possibly the worst decision maker in the world who spoils her puppy nine times out of ten. 

Not to mention I think my baby deserves the best and so she always gets the best of the best. 

Crazy dog lady = ME 

But she’s adorable, ain’t she?

In the above photo, Sadie is wearing her almost neon but not totally pink collar. 

Don’t you agree the newest collar is a step up from that one? 

I certainly do! 🎀