Tag Archives: Overused Word

Sorry, I’m not Sorry! 

I’m SORRY! I’m really SORRY! I’m truly SORRY! I can’t tell you enough how SORRY I truly am! SORRY!

Have you noticed how often that word gets thrown around these days? It should be taken as seriously as the word Love is. It shouldn’t be used over and over again for every little thing. Why should you apologize a million times a day? 

Did you do the SORRY Challenge today? If so, how many times did you catch yourself saying SORRY

What is it that you apologized for? Saying SORRY used to be said when you hurt someone emotionally or physically. It used to be said when you made a mistake and realized what you’d done. It used to mean something.

These days, SORRY is used nine times out of ten and it’s used because you feel as if you HAVE to use it. Not because it’s needed.

I caught myself saying SORRY more times today than I’d like to remember. I apologized for everything and anything and honestly, I shouldn’t have. 

Even my boss told me to stop saying _ _ _ _ _.

For instance, I am a teacher so I work with children who sometimes have their listening ears on while other times you’re left wondering if they left them at home or just refuse to turn them on.

(I did apologize to a parent today for a similar situation but this situation is from recent times.)

Recently, a parent picked their daughter up and asked if her listening ears where on that day. As he’s told me before, he wanted the truth so I gave it to him. No, his daughter’s listening ears weren’t turned on and for that, she lost out on getting a treat that night. As you can imagine, this little diva threw a fit and I ended up feeling bad for him and told him I was _ _ _ _ _! 

You can fill in the blanks as to what I said to him. And I shouldn’t have! 

First of all, it’s not my fault your child knows that if she throws a fit, she’ll get what she wants from you. It’s not my fault that she is not disciplined. I’m sorry but I’m not sorry! That young child needs to learn to listen when given directions and that she can’t do as she pleases when she pleases. 

Life simply doesn’t work like that and I shouldn’t apologize for doing my job!

Another example of me using that word was when a child told me that my hair was a mess. 

Well excuse me! My mindset was on “Slow and steady wins the race” this morning and doing my hair was put on the back burner. But by golly, I have no reason to aplogoze or reason with anyone on how I look on any given day.

I realize the United States is consumed as a whole by appearances. Everyone thinks that they must look their very best every day and that they must look like they stepped out of the latest edition of Vogue. 

News flash: You’re going to have those days where you look like you rolled out of bed, was hit by the crazy train and had a toddler (say around 1 1/2 ) do your hair and make up.

Don’t be ashamed and don’t apologize! This is real life and you’re going to have a bad hair day every so often. You have NOTHING to say _ _ _ _ _ for. Absolutely nothing! 

One of my other incidents with this very overused word today was when I said “Yes ma’am” to someone. 

As it turns out, it offends some people when you call them ma’am or sir. It makes them feel old.

As for me, it’s a way of being respectful to those around you no matter what age you are.

Don’t you ever, and I mean NEVER, apologize for using your manners! It shows that you were raised right! That is not a reason to apologize!

My last example would be one that I almost did but I caught myself before it happened. 

My boyfriend text me while I was on my way home from work. As you can guess, I got distracted when I got home and didn’t text back for a long period of time. 

When I got ready to text him back, I started off the text by saying “Sorry, I was making dinner and…” You get the point. Instead of sending that, I deleted it. 

Don’t ever apologize when you’re busy being productive and don’t have your phone glued to your hand. It’s probably that rare 15% of the time when your phone isn’t attached to you. 

Luckily for me, my boyfriend has told me numerous times not to apologize for being busy.

So STOP! Quit saying SORRY for every little thing in your life. You don’t need to! 

You aren’t going to look like a model every day of your beautiful life. Some days are going to be rough. Get used to it.

You’re going to upset some people along the way. Quite a lot actually! Don’t feel bad for doing your job or speaking the truth. 

You’re going to forget to text or call someone. No worries. They’ll understand. Their lives are most likely just as busy as yours.

You’re not perfect and honestly, you’ll never be anywhere close to perfect. So stop apologizing as if you should have everything right in life. Stop apologizing as if your life depends on it.

Apologize when you truly need to! But do everyone including yourself a favor and stop saying SORRY! We’re sick and tired of hearing it! You don’t need to apologize to us for anything. We all know that none of us are perfect and we don’t expect you to be. 

Instead of being sorry for everything, be sorry for the things that matter and brush off the things that don’t!