Tag Archives: pets

You bought your pet what?

My grandmother has recommended Overstock.com on numerous occasions concerning buying new furniture. I’ve been looking at buying a bigger bed as I share my bed every night with a 70 pound hound puppy.

As I was beginning my search, I clicked on the pet section first. Lord have mercy, I was surprised to find out that they sell actual dog beds and dog sofas.

Now I’m not taking about the dog bed that’s filled with stuffing that a dog could easily chew through. I’m talking about beds that looked like they could be for toddlers, but labelled for dogs. And don’t get me started on the sofas. If I had found one large enough for Sadie Mae, I would have bought one in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, those were more for the little 10-20 pound dogs.

Sadie surpassed that weight limit when she was three months old.

I ended up spending the rest of my evening looking on different websites to see what they offered for “Dog beds and Dog Sofas.”

I went to bed not impressed with what I found and even more eager to find Sadie a bed that she would be satisfied with.

Then my brilliant idea hit me the next morning as I was getting ready for work.

What about a FUTON?!

And thus my search for a futon that I was satisfied with began.

Never buy a futon at target. It’s overly priced and lacks selection.

I ended up buying a futon from Walmart and absolutely love it!

And the best part; Sadie Mae slept on the futon for the entire night and I had the bed to myself for the first time in 11 months.

Yes, I realize buying a dog a futon for their “bed” is quite ridiculous, but she’s a furniture puppy and it was in the best interest for us both.

I need a ton of sleep to function and lately, I hadn’t been receiving enough sleep throughout the night.

Judge me all you want, but I am in love with my futon and I wouldn’t change my decision for anything!



I apologize for not writing sooner. I’ve been playing mommy to a two week old kitten lately and it’s taken up a lot of time and energy. With that being said, I’m one exhausted girl! Chancer doesn’t allow me to sleep throughout the night as he is a very loud kitten when he’s hungry. By loud, I mean demanding. Extremely demanding! He doesn’t shut up until you feed him so as exhausted as I am late at night; I get up and feed that sweet bossy little boy.
Now that we have that all cleared up, I’ve been extremely moody and grumpy the past week and a half. I am not the person to be around when I’m sleep deprived. I don’t deal with stupidity well when I’m caught up on sleep so you can only imagine how well I deal with stupidity when I’ve lost a couple hours of sleep here and there throughout the night for several nights in a row.
It really doesn’t help that every time I wake up, Sadie Mae wakes up. Sadie Mae is a light sleeper. If Momma is up, she’s up. And when she gets up during the night, it’s playtime for baby girl. So not only do I have a screaming little boy who won’t stop until his belly is full, I now have a rambunctious baby girl who is wide awake and ready to tear the house apart.
I can’t really complain though. I’m not a fan of these sleepless nights by any means, but I’d rather wake up to feed this baby boy every night and miss out on a couple hours of sleep than for the alternative.
Chancer was found in my coworker’s backyard shortly after he was born. His mother had abandoned him and he was all by his little lonesome self. Being the animal lover that I am, I couldn’t just leave him there to defend for himself. We all know that would have ended with him living a very short life. I couldn’t stand the thought of him not getting a chance at living life so I decided I’d take him home with me and take care of him as best as I could.
Obviously, he’s named Chancer because he was given a second chance at life. I’ve always been a fan of the name Chance and I decided that it suited him well. He’s such a precious kitten and I’m so thankful that he’s doing as well as he is. A lot of people said that he most likely wouldn’t make it because he was so young but he’s been a trooper so far.
I realize that this world already has a butt load of animals that no one wants to be responsible for. If I could, I would take in every animal that I saw needed loving and caring for. Unfortunately, I can’t do that. As an animal lover, it hurts my heart when animals are neglected, mistreated, abused and just plain treated like they aren’t a living creature that has feelings too. It’s ridiculous how people who shouldn’t get animals get them and then treat them like crap. If you aren’t going to take care of them, don’t even consider getting one.
As for Chancer, he’ll always have a home with me as long as he lives. He’s already won my heart over and I couldn’t imagine giving him up to another family. He’s already a part of my little family and Sadie Mae just absolutely adores having a little brother that she can torment. I’m not entirely sure she fully understands what he is at the moment but she loves being around him as much as I allow her to be.
If you have a pet, make sure to love on them every chance they get! They deserve love just as much as we do!

Puppy Pals

Puppy Pals

In honor of trying to upload a video of Sadie Mae, I’ll just post a picture of her. This is Sadie Mae’s best friend, Bailey 🐶 They are a week apart and are the cutest things when they’re together. This was their puppy date on Saturday at the park. I’m loving that Sadie Mae has a best friend that she can always play with. I definitely enjoy seeing her interact with other dogs.