Tag Archives: second chances

Second Chances

Reason to Live

If you haven’t seen the movie, Second Chances, here’s a preview of the movie. 

This movie is about second chances. A second chance for love. A second chance for life and a second chance for happiness. 

I absolutely adore this movie. It’s been a favorite of mine since I was a little girl. And this song that is played throughout the movie has become one that I love. 

If you haven’t seen the movie and the music video sparks your interest, Second Chances is on Netflix. Maybe you’ll end up loving it as much as I do! 


I didn’t make this video. The quality isn’t the best but I think you can put two and two together.


Alcohol is a fabulous creation that I thank God for on an every so often basis. Alcohol can also be a horrible creation that I curse the devil for. More often than I would like to admit, I’m usually cursing the devil for alcohol rather than thanking God for it.
Don’t get me wrong, most nights out are extremely fun and I wouldn’t turn back the clock and do anything differently. I can suffer through my hangovers because in the end, they were worth every shot and mixed drink that was gulped down. But every so often, you have that one night that just makes you consider not drinking ever again. That one night creeps up on you and before you know it, your whole night has been turned upside down.
People act like complete idiots when they’ve consumed alcoholic beverages. I’m not exempting myself from this group of people. We can all look back on our nights out with the crew and remember making a complete ass out of ourselves. I’ve done it several times. Am I proud of it? No, but what is done is done. Alcohol makes people do and say things that they wouldn’t normally do or say sober.
I know for me, depending on my mood, I can be the happiest drunk or the bitchiest drunk. Now my mood while drinking depends on who I’m with and if someone irritates me. I’ve come to find that if I don’t know exactly what is going on around me, the bitch monster makes her appearance. Those would be the nights that I’ve had too much to drink. On nights where I’m in control of my drinking and I’m pacing myself, I’m the happiest drunk on the planet. It’s rather fabulous!
Unfortunately, a month and a half ago, I was visiting my lovely best friend. We decided to invite people over and what started off as a lovely night full of drinking and cards, ended with a huge argument that left two individuals on bad terms. To this day, these two individuals are still on bad terms.
I’m not going to go into detail about what happened because it really doesn’t matter what happened. It wasn’t anything major and honestly, it shouldn’t have been made into the big deal that it was made into.
My opinion on this situation is that they both should have been able to resolve the issue after they had both sobered up and had time to think about what happened. Drinking was involved and people act like complete messes when they’ve consumed alcohol. I’m not using alcohol as an excuse because you should be responsible enough to realize how much you can take as an individual before you lose control. Alcohol should never be used as an excuse for your actions. But I also believe that people can have two different personalities when it comes to being sober and drunk. Alcohol messes with your body and who you are drunk doesn’t necessarily mean that is who you are when you’re sober.
The sad part about this situation is that these people had just met when this mess happened. Some would say that it was a poor decision on their part to meet for the first time when alcohol was involved but neither of them could predict that their night would end the way it did. I personally believe that a second chance should be given to both people involved. Yes, things got out of hand and the night spiraled downhill quickly and the situation wasn’t handled in a mature fashion, but they both deserve to redeem theirselves.
One individual acted like a bitch while the other acted like an asshole.
They both need to do some forgiving as each has made mistakes that have made this situation what it is today. Neither one can say they didn’t do anything wrong as they both said and did things that just added to the fire.
Personally, it really irritates me when people don’t give second chances. I’m not one to forgive and forget within seconds of something happening. It may take me a couple days, weeks or even longer to get over whatever it is that I’m upset about, but when it’s all said and done, I eventually give everyone a second chance. It may be on my timing but you get a second chance. I am a firm believer that everyone should be given a second chance. Especially when alcohol is involved because people do the darnest things while intoxicated. Trust me, been there, done that!
At the end of the day, if these two individuals don’t decide to work things out and give each other the second chance they each deserve, it’ll be one of their losses more so than the others. I know the one who acted like a complete bitch that night wants a second chance and is more than apologetic for what happened. That just shows who the bigger person is and if the one who acted like an asshole isn’t willing to give that person another chance, that’s his loss. Maybe one of them has more growing up to do than the other and that could take years. I’ve been told guys mature slower than girls so in this case, it could be several years before they’re on the same level. But if you can’t take time out of your busy life to give someone else a second chance that they deserve then that just shows how little of an individual you really are and for that, that person doesn’t need you in their life because they deserve better.
If I may say so, this situation is beyond ridiculous. Someone needs to get their head out of their ass and get over their self. Obviously, I’m team Bitch. This is just ridiculous! It’s ridiculousness at its finest, forsho.