Tag Archives: Idiots

Psst! You there! 

Yes, you! You, the one staring at your computer screen or phone screen. You, the one who is either sitting or standing up. I’m speaking to you! You could be green, blue or purple and this message is for you too! 

Ladies and Gents, it has come to my attention recently, and by recently, I mean in the last hour and a half that the majority of you in Atlanta, GA failed to read Driving Tips 101 with Yours Truly. 

Now you may be thinking “Cass, how have you come to that conclusion” and I will tell you. 

Yours Truly just spent 45 minutes driving from exit 78 on I-20 to exit 74 on I-20. If you aren’t familiar with this interstate, there’s only ONE exit in between those two exits. 

That’s right. Just ONE! It took me 45 minutes to go THREE exits. 

A six car accident had all three lanes backed up. 

You want to know why there was a six car accident? Because someone decided not to eat their awesome sauce this morning and acted as if they were the only driver on the interstate putting others in danger. So not cool!

What did I say in my blog Driving tips 101 with Yours Truly about respecting other drivers? If you don’t know, go read the blog!

My morning commute then proceeded to take another 45 minutes as there was another crash a few miles ahead of me. 

Ladies and Gents in Atlanta, Ga.; we must talk. We all know it’s raining today. If you aren’t sure what exactly rain is, I’ll give you a short science lesson. I’ll make it elementary simple.

Rain is what falls from the sky from these things we call clouds. If you aren’t sure what clouds are, they are those white and grey things that float in the air above us. When these clouds get too heavy, they release the water. This water is known as rain. 

Now Ladies and Gents, we know when it rains that we can’t drive as if the sky is clear and sunny and the roads are dry. There are safety precautions that must be taken. 

Obviously, some individuals forgot about those safety precautions this morning as they were entering the highway. 

With that being said, if you are driving today, use your brain. Eat some Awesome Sauce before you leave the house and have a fabulous day. Consider the drivers around you and have common curiosity for others. If you can’t or aren’t willing to do so, then please stay at home.

And EVERYONE, go read Driving Tips 101 with Yours Truly! ASAP!